I started sewing the larger blocks together in rows this morning. The strip of two on the right is what I did, three times. Then, remember those 2 1/2" squares I cut from scraps the other day? I decided to make strips of those to separate the larger strips. I didn't get further than making enough four patches to put on the wall for the first gap. I will have to work on the rest on Tuesday. I have Bella for the next three days, so won't get much sewing done.
Here is a detail of just a portion of this quilt. When I started this project, I wasn't sure if I would really like it or not. I liked the idea of using re-purposed shirts and scraps that would probably just stay in the scrap boxes if not for this kind of project. Now, I am really happy I started it. I think it is a happy quilt. The colors all sort of sing to me. I enjoy seeing the scraps from other projects I have worked on. I have a piece of a favorite Hawaiian dress, something from a quilt that I gifted a good friend, an old shirt of mine, pieces from a quilt I made for Tom, and many more little gems. Lots of the fabric is from friends. I guess this will be sort of a memory quilt. That is a good thing. Tom would like it to be a little bigger, and I think I know what to do that will keep the same flavor, but keep me from getting bored. Does that ever happen to you?
I do have a tip to share about scrap/project storage. I am a big fan of salad greens that come in big plastic tubs. We eat quite a lot of them, so I wash them out well and use them for fabric storage. I keep scraps in them or I keep fabric I am pulling for projects all together in them. They stack very nicely. They are free, and I am keeping them out of landfills.
Have a great weekend everyone. Joyful quilting.