There are some really beautiful sunrises from my sister's condo. Since they shine directly into the room where I have been sleeping, I am up to get photos of them. I returned to Bremerton on Wednesday night. Yesterday, I played bridge with three wonderful women. This is my sister's bridge group, and I am fortunate enough to be invited to play whenever I can get over here. It is always great fun.
After bridge, I walked into town in search of the post office. I wanted to mail my package of fabric to Rhonda at
Quilter in the Gap. She is my partner for the
Hands 2 Help quilting project. I sent her a small stack of batiks in cuts from fat eights to fat quarters. We were supposed to send 2 yards total. I hope she likes what I sent. She posted a photo of the fabrics she is sending me. They are reds, whites, and blues. I will have fun designing a quilt to use these fun fabrics as soon as I get them.
After eating breakfast and watching some Fons and Porter on
QNN, I went into my sister's studio to start sewing the units I need for the ribbon quilt. My working name for this quilt is En Vino Veritas, which means "in wine there is truth" in Latin. This came from the Zinfandel name of this Bali pop pack. We will see if this name sticks. Anyway, I am still amazed at how long things take in quilting. I always go into the studio with grandiose ideas about how much I will accomplish. Today, I imagined I would get at least half of the blocks finished. Instead, I only got 96 A units completed. I still have 96 B units to do before I can start making the blocks. And this was with already cut and marked pieces.

It seems like such a small stack to have taken five hours. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I sewed 192 of the green half squares on with the flip and fold method, and chain piecing. Of course, I had to sew two seams on each piece because I am too intimidated by sewing small triangles together and I don't want to waste. I guess that means I actually got 192 2 1/2" block units and 192 HST units. I then paired and sewed these units to make 96 A units. Each of the A units is 4 1/2" square. Of course, there was a lot of pressing. I even saved the small HSTs for later. Tomorrow, I will try and get all the B units made. On Sunday morning, I head back home and will start sewing the blocks together and putting them on the design wall.
I am trying to keep track of all the time I spend on this quilt, as well as the money. I am going to put up a display at our quilt show in July to show how much time and money it takes to make a twin sized quilt. Hopefully, it will help those who have a hard time understanding why quilters charge what they do for their quilts. If any of you have insights or ideas on what I might include in this display, please feel free to share. I would also love to hear any of your stories about people gasping in disbelief at your quilt prices. My display will be up for the full month of July in the front display case of our downtown library. I would like it to be educational.
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by. I would love to hear from you.
Joyful quilting, everyone.