This is the progress I have made so far on the preemie quilt. It is on the small quilt wall waiting for the rest of the sashing and the borders. When it is finished, it will be 24" by 30". I have a bright yellow check for the borders. I will probably bind it with the dark green, since I have quite a bit of it. Some of the stars are a bit wonky. Thank can be a good thing if it is intentional and all of them meet the criteria of wonkiness. Unfortunately, in this case it is because I need loads of practice. I plan on doing a lot of that this year.
I plan on creating many star blocks this year. I started one this afternoon. I am using scraps, which is a good thing since I am having a bit of difficulty. I may have picked a block a bit above my current skill level, but I figure I have to learn somehow. One important thing I have learned is that my old machine does not really like straight lines. I have figured out a couple of tricks to help me with that. Again, I just need to practice. Tomorrow, I will finish the new block and the preemie quilt top. I will put up photos if I get my camera battery charged.