Sunday, November 27, 2011

WIPs or UFOs?

When I started the year, I had four completed quilts under my belt, and plans to make as many quilts as I could with the time and fabric I had.  I didn't even know what a UFO was, and when they talked about them at my guild, I had to ask someone what it was all about.  Now, things are a bit different.  I haven't counted the number of quilts I have finished, but I soon will.  I have been looking at the stack of projects I have in various stages of completion.  In other words, UFOs.
There are a few things I just don't have any interest in finishing right now, but the others will be put back on my to-do list for the new year.  A few of them need backs, quilting, and binding.  A few of them need more borders before I can even think about finishing.  Some need more blocks.  I have listed six of them for the UFO challenge at my guild.  As I finish each of them, I have plenty more to add. 
As I think about next year and quilting, I wonder if I will finally settle into one style.  Do I really need to?  When I look at the list I have started of quilts I want to make, it looks like I will still be trying a bit of everything.  Over the next few weeks, I think I will be posting a bit about what I have accomplished this year, and what I hope to do next.  This is mostly because I am making Christmas presents and won't be able to show much of what I am doing.  I am also doing it so I will have it out there and will have a list to compare to at the end of next year.
In the meantime, I am still quilting and having great fun.  I will show you all the things I am making after they have been given.
Joyful quilting, everyone.


Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Keep stitching away you will get there. If you have touched it in the past 30 days it is a WIP ( work in progress) if it is sitting in a box, corner, or closet somewhere it is a UFO ( unfinished object) and if it is half done you could also call it a PhD ( project half finished) I have lots all them all. There are also challenges across blog land to help you during the year. My New Year's Resolution to to finish as many of them as possible and to use up as many scraps as possible. I think I started more quilts than I already had sitting there, but most of them got finished, well at least the tops are done. I need a frame! Good Luck and I will be watching for your list. Mine will get posted in January.

Nancy Bowron said...

Having UFO's - you've arrived at the dark side : ) The advantage is that when you get motivated to do a quilt, some of it is already started! So finishing happens faster. At least that is my justification!

Venus de Hilo said...

I'm in a similar position to you, having gone from a few finished projects under the belt to bins of WIPs/UFOs and "Fufos" (future UFOs!: fabric set aside for planned projects that I haven't even started yet). As for the stash expansion and scrap-bin supernova, well, that's all part of the fun, right?

Look forward to hearing about (and seeing) your sewing plans for next year.