Thursday, June 9, 2011

Having trouble leaving comments?

I know that several people have been having trouble leaving comments on Blogger for a while now.  It finally happened to me.  The solution is to make sure you uncheck the "stay signed in" box when you log in.  That has worked for my husband and me.
On another note, I really love to read your comments and try to respond to each one.  If you are a no reply, which means you haven't added your email to your profile, please add your email address to your comment so I can write back. 


Rachaeldaisy said...

Testing Testing 1..2..3..
Thanks for the tip about unchecking the sign-in. I haven't had ant trouble lately but it's great to have those tricks up your sleeve.

Mac said...

I love the spiral in the Dresden plate! I finally got the top of my quilt finished and plan to make the back piece and cut the batting this weekend. I may be visiting you and your juki next week! Joyful quilting to U2.